Best Acne Treatment for Teens
How to get rid of acne can be a topic of the most sought-after young people, especially teenagers. This is because acne lowers confidence and disrupt relationships with others. Moreover, adolescence is a period of transition when a human being takes place.
Generally, acne first appears at age 11-25 years. In adolescents, acne appears on the nose, cheeks, chest, back and neck.
In general, the cause of acne in teenagers is hormonal changes during puberty, heredity, and increased production of sebum, the material produced by the oil glands. When sebum increases, pores become clogged and eventually acne grows.
Actually, not bad for the skin sebum. Sebum is a material that can make skin soft and smooth, if not in excessive amounts.
Another cause of acne is a skin treatment that is not true, the consumption of fatty and greasy foods, too much exposure to sunlight and stress.
So, how to get rid of acne? There are some Best Acne Treatment for Teens
. Here are some of the ways,as reported by, on Monday (01/12/2014).
Good habits
Of cause, then several things need to be done to get rid of acne is doing some healthy habits. For example, young people should not be too often exposed to the sun. They also had to get used to eat green vegetables and vitamins A and C, such as bananas, oranges and carrots.
home remedies
Acne in adolescents can also be removed by treatment home. Some home-based products such as lemons, potatoes, garlic, cucumber and aloe vera can help teenagers eliminate acne.
In general, home-cooked ingredients are used in a manner rubbed on the body part affected by acne after previously processed like refined first.
enough sleep
Enough sleep can reduce the level of stress in adolescents. When stress is reduced, it is directly sebum or skin oil production will decrease. The fall in the amount of sebum can make the skin to avoid teenage acne.
So this is the best acne treatment for teens. How easy is not it?